Tuesday, June 14, 2005 | By: danztilya

This is what I look like as a bum... Pretty much the same...

You know, I should write about more important stuff... Or at least things that make sense don't you think? I don't know... I just came from Europe like a few weeks ago. But I just can't seem to get it in me to post anything about the trip yet... Maybe it's coz I'm too stressed about finding a job to reminisce about vacationing again. Anyways.. Nuff said... I wish I could've taken a picture of us sleeping on the bunk beds on the train to Lourdes, though. Yeesh it was a NIGHTMARE. Can you imagine 3 level beds with like, only 2 feet between them? Claustrophobia overkill...

Today was installing day for me.. I installed the wrong version of Java the other day so I had to erase that and install the right one... Exciting? Not reeeeaaaaaalllyy....