Friday, June 03, 2005 | By: danztilya
There are some people who are of a really Machiavellian nature. If you don't know this guy, he's that philosopher who put into pen and paper an entire book that can be summarized in one sentence: 'The end justifies the means'. In other words, scheming and being two-faced is not only proper, but necessary in twisting the fate of other people if you think it's for their own good, or the good of mankind as you see it. He wrote that the people who do these things are the true leaders, those with the strength and conviction to affect the lives of everyone. What an asshole. I think he really wrote this book with present day politicians in mind.
But ACTUALLY, when you think about it, (or experience it, as I'm pretty sure some people already have), you don't have to watch TV and see the world's leaders address entire nations to find these people. They're all around you. Those who think that they're a lot smarter than other people, and that's the reason why it's only right that their plans are put into action 'No matter what the cost or what other people might be feeling'. SO. The question is. Are they right? Should we accept the fact that these ARE the people who are strong, and let them do their job in the world, or maybe clash with each other (whether in formal national TV debates or aggressive personal phone calls and emails)? I once read a book called 'Master of the Game', written by Sidney Sheldon, which features one of these people. It's only fiction, but you get to understand a little of why these people are like that. Strength is the only thing that made them survive life's ordeals. So maybe we should give them a break, huh?
But it's still pretty annoying. Which is the reason I'm venting it out here. HAHA! Catch ya later guys!


Anonymous said...

You said it! as for me, I intend to clash with these types of people! I'm just as strong as they can be... and if I am younger than them, they have a very big disadvantage. I will experience greater things and learn far more than they already have! bwahahhaa!!! If they are younger than me, they are but arrogant fools who think they already know a lot to survive...