Thursday, June 23, 2005 | By: danztilya


Heaven in a slice.. 

I love desserts. I even love going to DADS buffet just to get a plateful of desserts, never mind the roast beef and all. There's something about sweets that just seems to complete my life (or maybe my stomach). To prove this, when I went to Rome last May, one of the first things I wanted to try was a real Italian Tiramisu. Hahahaha! So there.

I think this might say something about my personality. I also love romance. I've actually always been a hopeless romantic, something I realized as I was talking to one of my high school friends who declares herself as an almost-cynic. Hearing how unimportant romance is in her life just made me realize the abundant presence of it in mine. Not only because I'm in a relationship that's lasted for more than 5 years, but also coming from discussions with my friends about an endless array of experiences gone bad (and sometimes good), and also because I've pretty much committed myself to watch every romantic hollywood film that comes out, not to mention my oh-so-favorite tv shows filled with teen angst. In my mind I always play out romantic scenes between characters I've recently come to know, whether in books, on tv or in the movies. I'm not sure if this is caused by an overactive imagination or just plain old psychosis. Anyway, the point is, love has always been attached to sweetness hasn't it? If the thought of love actually introduced sugar into a person's system, I think I would definitely be a diabetic by now.


Drakulita said...

Well if you are what you eat in my case I'll be sweet so come and get some
-Jason Mraz :)

Punta kang Brooklyn, Jacques Torres

Tapos padala mo naman yung iba sa CURSOR :D

Anonymous said...

sugar and romance? hmm.. thats definitely a mix! hihihi.. like peaches and cream, hot fudge, strawberries and cream, or even just plain cream topped on romance?! buahahaha! now i know why best can't forget you. :) don't go overboard though.. too much of either could kill you.. one is diabetes.. and the other one is.. STD? hihihii:)