Saturday, July 29, 2006 | By: danztilya


This blog is quickly becoming too cute and pink for my taste. Don't get me wrong, cute and pink is ok, but now it's time for an overhaul.

When I will HAVE the time for the overhaul is beyond me.

Right now I'm supposed to be working, instead of deciding what color scheme my blog should have. ARGH.

I'm over at my sister's apartment, not even sure if I should go home. The minute I go home I might start watching my FRIENDS dvds.

What am I doing nowadays? I'm currently deciding what I'm supposed to be doing... (huh?) Several choices have come up:

1. Join a book club
2. Dance more often (and by often I do not mean once a week)
3. Brush up on ColdFusion, give up my 'blogspot' and actually create a website that is MINE.

The problem with choice number 1, no matter how nice it may seem, is just that I'm still kind of scared of meeting people who are much TOO intellectual for my tastes. I do read, and I like a good conversation about a good book. But that may be a little too much for me.

Choice number two is not so bad except that I only have the weekends to do it, and I've decided I will never say no to anyone that I know who's asking me to go to the city and have fun. This only means Friday nights are pretty much down the drain.

Choice number three is kind of scary. Giving up 25 bucks a year means I actually have to do it, no excuses. And it's not like a zillion people are reading my blog, hello? I created my first website in sixth grade. Back then it seemed like an amazing thing, but I spent most of my free hours on it. *sigh* There's just so much other stuff to do. I'm not in sixth grade anymore.