I can finally read my 33 emails hahaha.
I am SUCH a TV addict right now.. My latest shows are Monk and House ( I love this one it's like Chandler meets super-smart doctor ). Alas, IF I get a job soon I'm gonna have to setup a very accurate TIVO schedule otherwise I'm gonna miss some of my shows, most of which start this fall which include (by order of interest):
1. The OC
- I don't know why I like this one best. It's about a boy from the wrong side of the tracks adopted by one of the richest families in Orange County. He ends up bunking in their pool house and falling in love with the girl next door. It's very teen-angst-y. I probably like it because it's reminiscent of the Filipino soap-opera underdog, which I have to admit I've always been into.
2. Desperate Housewives
- This one is somewhat "Sex and the Suburbs" for those who were fans of SATC. The difference is that this one has an overall, season-embracing plot. In Filipino, "kailangan subaybayan". There are four housewives (counting the ones that are alive) Susan (Teri Hatcher's character) still reminds me of Lois Lane in this one except that she ditched the strong 'I have to be on top' personality and left in the klutz, investigative reporter, and crazy-in-love parts. Bree lives in a SO-not-perfect world with a husband who has bouts of S&M cravings and heart attacks, and a gay son. She STILL tries to make it perfect through gourmet meals, spotless counters and a beautiful lawn. Gabby (Eva Longoria) is just SO turn-me-into-a-lesbian sexy. Lynette's life is pretty interesting with the out of control kids and her constant dream of coming back to the corporate world.
3. CSI
-I think everyone knows what CSI is about. I just have to say my two favorite character here are Grissom and Warrick (whose name I thought was Work or Worm until I saw it spelled out in season 1 I think).
4. Smallville
-I've always loved Superman/Clark Kent. No other reason needed but that! And I just have to say that when I read a comment about it from someone on the internet saying they just copied Roswell I was like 'HELLO?! Do you even have a brain?' Hahaha.
5. House
-As I said, it's Chandler meets super-smart doctor. Sarcastic, funny, and interesting.
6. Monk
-The various references in this show to 'Sherlock Holmes' are quite on the money. I've read volumes 1 and 2 of Mr. Holmes's adventures several number of times now and this show really reminds me of how Sherlock Holmes cases more than CSI ever did. Probably coz of all the weird walking around the rooms and the lengthy summaries at the end in which people get mesmerized by the wonders of observation and deduction. Three major differences of course are that #1) Monk is an obsessive compulsive while Holmes is quite a messy guy #2) Holmes's assistant is usually Dr. Watson and of course Monk has had two pretty women as assistants. #3) Holmes is very active, even doing some of the criminal-chasing HAPPILY while Monk is somewhat incapacitated by his phobias of heights germs and whatnot.
7. So You Think You Can Dance-It's American Idol about dancing. Heehee.
8. 24 (starts in January)
-Jack Bauer and his stress induced squint. Heehee. An agent of the Counter-Terrorism-Unit tries to save the world in a day. He's done it 4 times to date.
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