If there could be one thing that I would never be able to forget about my college life, it would be the friendship I shared with three people. YES to your question bestie, THREE. Hehehe. In a lot of ways, we've each grown apart. I from them, and they from each other. I wish somehow I could go back in time and start things over when we were still freshmen, get together as early as we could have, and have the kind of fun we had on our last year of college, before most of the drifting apart began. I know we would have conquered the world (or maybe just our circle of friends hahaha), had we realized how great we were together. If only outside influences hadn't driven us to a somewhat sad end. All is not lost though! I still keep in touch with two of them, and as far as I know the three of us are still the best of friends in more ways than one. For all the laughter and silliness, and even for all the tears and sadness, I want to thank them, and dedicate this entry to SLAM:
(in order of appearance from left to right):
Michelle is the most pure-hearted, sweetest person that I have ever known in my entire life. Before, when we weren't so close, I'd already decided to myself that she deserves the best that life has to offer. I never stopped believing that even after all the time we'd spent together, talking about an amazing number of things that I never thought I'd be able to talk to her about. Sometimes she seems to live in this fantasy world, where everyone she meets is kind-hearted, generous, and not one person has even a hint of an evil streak. I guess that's why we feel so protective of her (not only me but also most of the people around her). To the point of being naive, she always starts off seeing everyone in the best light. Sometimes it's annoying (especially when I have to raise my cat-claws and kill off the damn hyenas hahaha!), but it's also very endearing. Aside from that, she's a real workaholic. Right after we graduated she got so depressed because there was nothing to do but bum around in the truest sense. Michelle! Sarap sarap magpakatamad eh! Hahahha! I guess people learn about me from here too (and not in the good sense I think...) On the more shallow side, Michelle has become one heck of a fashionista over the years. And you can easily spot her kind of style when you go to the mall to shop. Actually, a lot of times we've ended up not buying some article of clothing or accessory because it seemed too 'Shelly'.
When I first met Lia I thought (at the risk of sounding gay) "Wow she's really pretty." And you know, she WAS and still IS. Of us four I've always thought she's the prettiest (sorry Michelle hahahaha!). When we were close, she was a great friend. Short of doing something that would anger her mom (like stay overnight or be out really late), there was nothing she wouldn't do to help me out. Of course, she was also GREAT at charming other people so that THEY in turn would help her out. It's not really manipulative, it's just that when you meet her you always have the urge to try and help her, especially when you see her worried face or maybe her pretty smile. She used to be SUCH A GEEK when we were freshmen. She was always worried about schoolwork and homework. I remember one time I was telling her and Steph something important, and she never found out because she was too busy talking about some homework we had for Social Science I. She also used to love gushing about cute guys. Of course, we almost never agreed on which of the guys really ARE cute. (Like the endless dispute about Leonardo DiCaprio being gay and Dean Cain being.. well, ugly to her I guess). She'd always been my malling partner too. Sta. Lucia mall was our second home. At one point, the two of us could rarely be seen without each other. We had a lot of good times.
Ahhh Steph. My current best friend who will hopefully remove the strain of bad luck that's been haunting me and the term 'best friend' for years. I'm endlessly surprised at how stubborn our friendship has been throughout the years. We've gone through a lot of rough patches (and when I say rough, you have no idea!) I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, considering we both ARE really stubborn. I usually shut everyone out when I'm really feeling depressed. SHE however, tells some people what's wrong, asks for their advice, but does whatever she wants anyway! Well, that's us. We're not exactly the most easy pair of friends to deal with. But we're also a lot of fun once you get the hang of how to deal with us. ;) Caffeine brought us together, and caffeine will be what KEEPS us together throughout the years, even if it seems most of these will be spent apart. There's another vice to be spoken of (I'm sure you know that bestie), but I loathe to speak of it in front of people. I'll leave you guys to your own imaginations. (For those who know us, you know what I mean ;) ). I miss so much the days when I would ask everyone to do KTV with me, and she would come along to order drinks, food, and then REQUEST the songs she wants other people to sing. Hahahaha! I of course, would never say no to a song (or maybe even a dance). Just don't make me do a song/dance number, BELIEVE ME I SUCK. SHE however, HATES to dance in public. I saw her do it maybe twice before.. She's not that bad (you better start trying! ;) ). She also LOVES to shop and LOVES to eat great food at great places. Sorry bestie I have to say it: She SPENDS money like CRAZY. Please lang Steph, save ka naman para mabisita mo ko dito.. hahaha! Also, as opposed to normal girls, she loves dark chocolate, and doesn't like white chocolate too much. So there! She also loves going to the movies, and seldom misses a major hollywood film. She's very smart, a math whiz in fact, and she hates the idea of being useless (don't worry bestie, nobody thinks that of you), that's why she always has drive. She's part chinese, but HATES herbal tea. She's very emotional, and easily gets annoyed at some things (or PEOPLE hahaha), but she also easily gets excited and happy to the point of child-like glee (which I also admit to). This is a part of the two of us people usually have to get used to (and you HAVE TO.. hehehe). I miss staying overnight with her and talking nonstop about everything and nothing. Hayh. There's still a lot left to tell.. Maybe I'll put it in her friendster testimonials :). For now, just want to say that I love you bestie! Ingat and happy coffeeing!
awwwh... miss u so much bestie... :( *hugs* ahahahah pwede ng icopy paste for testie..
Sobrang natuwa ako sa entry mo.. pero sana iba ung pic... hahahah.. sabi kasi ni jun jun kakulay ko ung pader... hamhs....
aha! andito ka pala ash! :P
aww...kakatuwa naman ikaw ash!! =) really sweet...hehe. tuloy naisip ko bigla mga naging ka-close ko noong college pati high school...haha senti mode.
sana mabasa na rin ito nila mshel at lia.
(hi steph! kung mabasa mo ito...hehe.)
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