Here I go again...
Today I'm going to talk about my friends. There are 6 of them, and I've known them for around 10 years. They've gotten me through a lot of tough times, made me laugh on the worst days of my life, and given me advice on life, love and all the crap in between. I wouldn't be who I am now without them, and I wanted to share with you the wonders that are.. my F.R.I.E.N.D.S:
Ross is a paleontologist (spare us the fossil talk, huh?), thrice divorced, with a son from his first wife, Carol (who turned out to be a lesbian) and a daughter from Rachel, his third wife and the love of his life. He considers himself an academic, even calls himself a doctor whenever he can get away with it (or even if he can't, although he does have a PhD). His intellect isn't what I like about him though. He is incredibly sensitive, and his love for dinosaurs doesn't stop him from loving his friends all the more, and making him, in my opinion, the sweetest guy in the group.
Joey is a not-so-brilliant actor who has had an on-off relationship with his soap opera "Days of Our Lives"(which he lovingly calls DOOL). He's generally a guy's guy: loves sports, drinks beer, makes a mess, and LOVES to eat. There's no reason to feel sorry for him, if that's what you're thinking. He's not only a guy's guy, he's also a lady's man! Over the years he's had more than his share (or I should say several guys' share) of women. He loves his friends, and we love him too, but aside from his love for meatball sandwiches, though, Joey hasn't really found the love of his life. We're still crossing our fingers.
Monica is Ross's sister, and together, they can be called 'The Gellers'. This girl has had a lifelong chip on her shoulder, caused by parents who've been eternally hard to please, owing to the fact that their favorite is her geeky older brother (ahem, AKA Ross). So it's no wonder Monica is a perfectionist. It's an understatement that she likes things CLEAN. She hates knowing that someone hates her, and her greatest hobby is organizing. She is also a fabulous cook. That IS her profession after all. |
Phoebe is a 'unique'. Monica and Rachel also describe her as 'flaky'. Her lifestyle has always been the oddest of all 6. She's a vegetarian, and is against all things related to animal abuse including wearing furs. Having been orphaned at a young age has led her to many experiences, ranging from the amusingly strange to the downright nasty. *a pimp once spit in her mouth*she found a thumb in a soda can*she once mugged for a living*she had French lessons behind a garbage dump*her biological mom was in a threesome with her known mom and her father*she once shot a cop* |

Rachel was the last one to join the group. She had no idea that she was about to get to the best years of her life when she entered Central Perk, wet wedding dress and all, and left, not only her orthodontist fiance, but her daddy's credit cards, for a life of her own. The rest of the group (upon Monica's insistence) welcomed her into their lives. And after ten years, she'd proven herself as an independent woman, executive in the fashion industry, a wonderful mom, and a great friend. The perfect combination of beauty and humor makes this girl such a fun person to be with.
Chandler has always been my favorite. He embraces humor in his life, and however corny his jokes can be at times, he himself always cracks me up. His love life until Monica came consisted entirely of relationships gone bad (starting from his father and mother who divorced because his father found out that he was gay). He's never really been great with the ladies, and he knows so little about relationships that you can't help but feel sorry for him. As for his occupation, he used to do statistical analysis of data for a multinational company, and later decided to shift to advertising, which he did very well. He hates dogs, is good at table tennis, and used to be in the swim team. He is also Ross's old college roommate.

By now you've probably realized they're not really my friends, but the characters on the show 'FRIENDS'. I wasn't kidding when I said they got me through tough times, though. There was a time when my day wasn't complete without watching several episodes of the show. Somehow it makes me realize that life can be so much less frustrating if you can just laugh it all off. So for those people who are under a lot of stress, I suggest a dose of 'FRIENDS', I swear it's totally worth it.. By the way, I wanna thank my REAL friends.. my best friend Steph, Michelle, Jessie, Paul, Gino, Cha, Lia, Arvs, Cocoy, Pat, Mike, all the 'Indakers' I've had the chance of meeting, my neighborhood friends: Denise, Karisse and Iris, my high school and grade school friends (there are a lot of you but I especially remember..) Val, Jules, Jeps, Che, Kristine, Vanz, Nerissa, Ala and Prana, my baby Jace who is the love of my life, and all of you out there who have given me REAL laughs, REAL tears, and real advice. Thanks for being with me through all of it. I hope we can be together soon.. I miss you guys.

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